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Pros and Cons of Transition Lenses

Transition lenses, otherwise also known as photochromic lenses, are unique in that they automatically become dark when outside lighting conditions are bright. At the same time, they also become lighter when the conditions outside are dark. They are an excellent option and have been used for quite a long time because they can be as convenient as a pair of sunglasses in the daytime. They are also a good option because they act like your prescription glasses and so you do not need separate reading glasses and sunglasses as they combine both functions.

Here is a brief look at the pros and cons of transition lenses.

Although their benefits seem pretty obvious, there are quite a few that are worth learning more about. To start with, they are a more cost beneficial option than separate prescription and sunglasses. With a pair of transition lenses, you can both enjoy your prescription and also have the lenses darken or lighten according to outside lighting conditions.
Second, they are a much more convenient option as you do not have to carry multiple pairs when you are outside. With these lenses, you can have them act like a pair of sunglasses when you are driving and they also help you see the road signs more clearly because they can be powered.

Third, they limit the risk that you might lose your eyewear. If you have to carry. Multiple eyewear with you, the risk of losing one or both is higher than if you have to carry just one pair.
Fourth, they provide adequate protection to your eyes. They are more than a pair that acts like your sunglasses as they are also capable of filtering out harmful rays from the sun and in this way ensure your eyes remain well protected.

Last but not least, transition lenses are available in a multitude of styles which means you can wear a stylish pair without having any trouble.

There are a few downsides to owning and using transition lenses including they can be rather ineffective when you wear them when driving your car. This is because the windshield from your car can block the UV rays of the sun. hence, these glasses may become redundant.

Second, you have many brands to choose from and each one works differently. Thus, you will need some expert advice to help you pick the right pair.
Third, they do not work too well in cold weather as they take longer to filter out the UV rays of the sun in cold weather.

Finally, they might not be polarized which can cause your eyes to be exposed to harsh glares.

The bottom line is the pros generally outweigh the cons and so it makes sense for you to opt for transitions lenses. When all is said and done, they can prove to be a very useful option as they are cheaper than multiple pairs and they do a good job of protecting your eyes.