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The Lowdown on Progressive Eyeglasses

Did you know that progressive eyeglasses can ensure perfect vision? Whether you have never heard of this kind of eyewear or even if you have previously used them, the following should help you understand their main pros and cons. The first thing you need to do is understand what progressive lenses are.

Able to do Multiple Things
Essentially, these types of lenses are optical lenses that do multiple things to correct your vision including fixing your distance vision problems, intermediate vision problems and near or reading vision problems. These lenses are also referred to as Progressive Addition Lenses whose main benefit is to allow you to see clearly even if you have more than one vision problem. They are called progressives because the power progressively changes from far to intermediate to near. Since the different powers are not separated by any lines, these lenses are also called no-line bifocals or trifocals.
Before you choose progressive eyeglasses, it makes sense for you to learn more about their plus and minus sides. Here is a brief look at the pros and cons of such eyewear.

The biggest plus point is that progressive lenses are designed to blend the prescription. Thus, when you shift your focus from near to far, their won’t be any jumping of image and nor is there any visible line in the lenses. This makes this kind of eyewear more comfortable to wear and at the same time, it is also a safer option. Also, since one pair has multiple powers, you save money because you do not need to buy separate eyeglasses for different vision problems.
Also, since these eyeglasses have multiple powers, you can correct your vision easily even if you have difficulty with seeing at a distance, at an intermediate distance (computer) or near. Thus, with one lens you can kill three different vision problems.

Progressive eyeglasses do not have many disadvantages other than you could experience difficulty when walking down the stairs at which time you may experience a little bit of problem. But, soon you can adapt to this and then their won’t be anything to complain about. Another possible disadvantage is that you may have problems with finding the right materials and coatings and it may also take time for you to get used to seeing through these lenses. Also, if you are not able to adjust your vision properly, then you should not opt for progressive eyeglasses.

If you do choose to wear progressives, then the good news is you can even go out and buy a pair over the counter after which you can have it tailored to suit your vision problems. The nice part is that when you get accustomed to progressives, you will soon notice that you will feel like you are watching everything as if you were watching a show in High Definition. Best of all, you have three different sets of lenses all in one and you can correct your vision without needing to change any eyewear.

Progressive eyeglasses work by offering a seamless progression of different lens powers. The bottom line is that they are the best and most economical option for those suffering from several vision problems at the same time.