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Understanding Bifocal Eyeglasses

Instead of wearing different eyeglasses for different vision problems, it makes more sense to choose bifocal eyeglasses because they are designed to correct multiple vision problems. So, if you are myopic or hyperopic, these are the eyeglasses you should wear because they transform your vision to near-perfect levels.

Multiple Vision Correction in One Pair
Compared to bifocals, single vision eyewear is only meant to correct a single-vision problem. Bifocals, on the other hand, allow you to correct more than one vision problem. Thus, if you have trouble seeing objects close to you or those that are far from your eyes, you can use bifocals to see clearly at distance as well as close up. Myopia is a condition in which you are not able to focus clearly on objects that are at a distance. Also known as nearsightedness, this condition can be corrected with bifocals. Hyperopia, on the other hand, describes a condition in which you can see clearly at distances but objects near to your eyes remain blurred. It is also a condition that can be fixed with bifocals.

Solves Myopia and Hyperopic Problems Simultaneously
Presbyopia describes a condition in which you need both plus prescription as well as minus prescription to see things clearly at a distance and close up. Thus, people suffering from this condition are both myopic as well as hyperopic. Bifocal eyeglasses are designed to accommodate your presbyopia condition because they can correct both near and far vision problems with one lens that has two separate powers.

Two Separate Prescriptions
The traditional bifocal lenses come with two separate prescriptions. The first prescription helps to focus your vision on objects close to you while the second prescription is designed to focus your vision on objects at a distance. The latter prescription is spread across the entire lens with an ADD power located in the part at the bottom of the lens to fix nearsightedness.
There are also the executive bifocal eyeglasses that have both segments spread all across the lens. So, when you try to read with these eyeglasses, the close-up range will be wider. However, this kind of eyewear is not the most aesthetically pleasing and the eyewear is also very heavy.

Double-Segment Bifocals
You can also go with double-segment bifocal eyeglasses in which the bottom half of the lens helps to focus your eyes on objects close to your eyes. This type of eyewear works well if you have to wear your eyewear at a construction site when you often have to look at objects close to you and where you have to move your vision both upward as well as downward often.
The best option as far as your bifocals go is to choose the modern progressives in which the lenses do not have any lines separating the two different prescriptions. In this kind of eyewear, the power slowly but surely increases from the distance vision to the near vision in the central part of the lens. Progressives lenses are also called lineless eyeglasses and they are also referred to as no-line bifocals as well as seamless bifocals.
Now that you understand the different types of bifocal eyeglasses, you can go ahead and choose them according to your budget and your needs.